While searching for Chandigarh to Kullu Manali Taxi service, we provides you the right cab suiting your needs. We have a wide range of taxi which helps you to explore the city or for a quick weekend trip on very reliable prices as well. You can book a Chandigarh to Kullu Manali Taxi service online by visiting our website GTB Travels 34 or you can directly visit us at our office.
We are offerings all types of cars like Indica, Indigo, Tavera and other luxury cars with polite uniformed drivers. Our divers are very well familiar with the routes & traffic rules, making your journey safer. We being the client-centric organization believe in making long term relations with our clients by taking care of their requirements and preferences on the ground level.
Inclusions in the way from Chandigarh to Kullu Manali by road, you will pass towns like Rupnagar, Swarghat, Bilaspur, Sundernagar, Mandi, Kullu, and Naggar. With your Chandigarh to Kullu Manali taxi service, you can stop at each of these places, enjoy local flavours and their natural beauty.